Makeup Artist Of The Year

Lotus Makeup proudly announces Season 2, offering a golden opportunity for aspiring makeup artists! Prepare for the grandest competition yet – the MAKEUP ARTIST HUNT OF THE YEAR!

If you think you’ve got the talent we’re looking for, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SEIZE!

Complete your registration!!

What’s in store for you!

1st Winner: 3 Lakh Cash Price + Lotus Makeup Products worth 20k + 1 year brand Association!

2nd Winner: 2 Lakh Cash Price + Lotus Makeup Products worth 20k +1 year brand Association!

3rd Winner: 1 Lakh Cash Price + Lotus Makeup Products worth 20k + 1 year brand Association!

Celebrity Judges for the Event

All the incredible talent of the TOP 15 Finalists will be showcased and judged by the most renowned makeup artists in the industry!

The panel, featuring some of the biggest names in makeup (to be revealed soon), is ready to see who will shine the brightest.

 So girls, if you have what it takes, get ready to




We are excited to announce that the registration for the “Makeup Artist of the Year Season 2” is now open! This is your chance to showcase your skills and creativity, and we can’t wait to see what you create.

How to Participate:


  • Content quality to be cleared.
  •  Do not show any other brand product.
  •  Looks to be curated from lotus makeup products.
  •  Lotus Herbals is committed to providing a fair and unbiased competition. All  judges are selected for their expertise and are expected to evaluate contestants based on merit. Any concerns about the judging process should be directed to the event organizers.

 Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.